Tag: Hubble

The Massive Stars in Westerlund 1
Our Sun is pretty damn big — so big in fact that it has a volume of 1.3 million Earths — but our Sun has nothing on the largest Star inside the star cluster Westerlund 1. The biggest star inside...

Aurorae on Jupiter
Jupiter has aurorae. Like Earth, the magnetic field of the gas giant funnels charged particles released from the Sun onto the poles. As these particles strike the atmosphere, electrons are temporarily knocked away from existing gas molecules. Electric force attracts these electrons...

The Supernova and Cepheids of Spiral Galaxy UGC 9391
Before we look at the Supernova (the cross) and the Cepheids (the red circles) in the Spiral Galaxy of UGC 9391 it’s worth describing what a Cepheid actually is and why it’s important. A Cepheid variable is a type of...