Tag: Super Nova

NGC 2736: The Pencil Nebula
I can only imagine what it would have been like 11,000 years ago when this star went Super Nova and sent this amazing amount of matter and energy out across the Milky Way. Moving from top to bottom in the...

The Supernova and Cepheids of Spiral Galaxy UGC 9391
Before we look at the Supernova (the cross) and the Cepheids (the red circles) in the Spiral Galaxy of UGC 9391 it’s worth describing what a Cepheid actually is and why it’s important. A Cepheid variable is a type of...

Dust of the Orion Nebula
The Orion Nebula is located just south of Orions Belt in the constellation of Orion. The dust that surrounds it is the result of a previous super nova that forcibly sent its elements outwards and now awaits the force of...